Prof James Whisstock
ARC Australian Laureate Fellow & NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow, Monash University.
He trained in Bioinformatics and Structural Biology and obtained his degree and PhD at Cambridge University in 1996.
Since arriving in Australia in 1997, James has established himself as one of the leading structural biologists nationally and internationally. He has played a critical role in establishing state-of-the-art research platforms in Protein Production, eResearch and Structural Cryo-Electron Microscopy at Monash University.
His specialty is in decoding the atomic structures of complex protein molecules with a particular interest in membrane attack complex/perforin-like proteins, which play a critical role in immunity and developmental biology.
James has won numerous awards during his career including Science Ministers Prize in Life Sciences (2006), Commonwealth Health Ministers Award (2008) and the Australian Academy of Science Gottschalk Medal (2010).
Contact Details
Whisstock Laboratory