2020 ECR Legacy Award

The Imaging CoE is awarding grants of up to $10,000 to exemplary Early Career Researchers.

We invite all Centre ECRs wishing to bring forward and develop new interdisciplinary research projects that advance the understanding of imaging and/or immunology under the collective vision of the Centre and its Research Themes. With this initiative, the Imaging CoE aims to accelerate ECR-led research projects of excellence that are interdisciplinary and collaborative in nature and carry on the legacy of the Centre. 

Eligibility and conditions

  • Only ECRs can apply. For this purpose, ECRs are defined as researchers who are within the five-year range post PhD award.
  • Only Imaging CoE members are eligible to apply. This means the main applicant must be an Imaging CoE member but can collaborate with colleagues external to the Centre.
  • Only complete applications will be considered. 
  • Your application will be assessed against your track record, the impact of your research and the quality of your proposal and presentation. 
  • Eligible expenditure: Award funds can only be used for activities that directly support the project:  Personnel (e.g. expert services), travel and accommodation cost, access to national and international research and infrastructure facilities and platforms, training and technical workshops, publication and dissemination of the project outputs.  
  • Award funds need to be spent prior to the Imaging CoE end date (31 March 2021) and the project to be completed by July 2021. A brief report on outcomes and impact must be submitted to the Imaging CoE.  

Important Dates

1- 27 November 2020: Applications open
8 December 2020: Finalist announcement
10-11 December 2020: Finalist presentations
14 December 2020: Recipients announcement
31 March 2021 Funds fully spent
30 July 2021: Project completed

Application Form

Attachment 1: Please attached your CV (max. 3 pages) in PDF format.

  1. Include any awards, prizes and scholarships that reflect significant academic merit or scientific excellence and are relevant to this application.
  2. Highlight your top publications (up to five) and briefly outline your contribution in each.

Attachment 2: Please attach a proposal (max 2 pages) in PDF format, that addresses the following:

  1. Your motivation: Explain how the Legacy Award would accelerate your research project and/or career development. 
  2. Expected outcomes and impact: Explain why you have chosen this project and the expected outcomes and impact? 
  3. Use of award funds Indicate how you plan on using the funds. Provide a clear breakdown of your allocation according to the categories of (1) personnel and consultancy, (2) platforms and equipment (3) lab consumables and IT, (4) training, (5) science communication, (6) travel and conference, (7) other – please elaborate.
  4. Implementation: Provide milestones, timelines and measures of success as applicable. 

*If you have any issues with the form or questions about the application please contact Juliana at [email protected]