PhD Student

Monash University

Structural analysis of the human CD4+ T cell response to hybrid peptide antigens in type 1 diabetes (PhD)

Supervisor’s name:

Prof. Jamie Rossjohn

Mai Thao Tran is a PhD candidate researching Structural Autoimmunity in the Rossjohn Laboratory of the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute. Mai’s research explores a new paradigm of autoimmunity and how the human immune system responds to ‘altered’ self-antigens in type 1 diabetes.

Mai has a Bachelor of Science (Hon) degree from the University of Melbourne (2012). She joined the Rossjohn Lab (2013) as a Research Assistant for Professor Jamie Rossjohn and demonstrated her research capability by co-authoring four articles in the area of immunological disease published in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology (2019), Cell (2019), Journal of Biological Chemistry (2017), Structure (2016).

Mai commenced doctoral research in 2018 with a goal to use structural biology, protein biochemistry and cell biology techniques to understand the pathological processes leading to type 1 diabetes. She consolidated her strong capability in this field as a recipient of the JRDF Travel Grant 2020 and as the first author of a manuscript under review. Mai’s interests and background spans from a diverse range of disciplines and mediums such as a Masters in Information Technology (Swinburne University 2006), work experience in IT Help Desks, Accounting software and RSPCA Animal Welfare.

Mai is in the final year of her candidature. She is enthusiastic to present her research and interact with research leaders, learning new skills to assist her broader research career in academia. Her future goal is to continue her research to directly influence the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune disease.

[email protected]

Bachelor of Science (Honours) | Master of Information Technology

Research Theme:
Imaging Peptide Mediated Immunity