International award for CI Kat Gaus

Imaging CoE CI and Deputy Director Professor Katharina Gaus (University of New South Wales) has been named as a laureate of the Khwarizmi International Award for her achievements in single molecule imaging to visualise how T cells initiate an immune response.

A major research focus in Professor Gaus’ research group is the molecular signals that determine whether or not a T cell becomes activated when it encounters foreign material.

As Deputy Director of Imaging CoE, Prof. Gaus also established the EMBL Australia Node in Single Molecule Science at UNSW to create a collaborative and interdisciplinary environment supportive of conducive to cutting edge molecular biology research.

“This recognition is a real honour, and it’s great to see science being recognised beyond boarders, cultures and languages,” says Gaus of her award from the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology.

To receive her award from his Excellency, the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the annual awards ceremony, Gaus will travel to Tehran in February.

The award is named in honour of eminent Iranian mathematician Khwarizmi –regarded as one of the founders of algebra. It was first established in 1987, and the Foreign Section of the award was introduced in 1991 to recognize outstanding achievements in research innovation and invention made by researchers from all over the world. Past recipients include distinguished scientists from Europe, UK, the Americas, Australia and Asia.

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