PhD Student

Monash University

The molecular mechanisms of T-cell receptor recognition of CD1b presenting self lipid antigens (PhD)

Supervisor’s name:
Prof. Jamie Rossjohn
Dr Adam Shahine

Rachel Farquhar is a structural biologist based at the Biomedical Discovery Institute as a member of the Rossjohn Lab. She is currently doing a PhD focused on the molecular mechanisms of T-cell receptor recognition of CD1b presenting self lipid antigens. This fascinating immune focused study has allowed Rachel to develop an extensive skill set in cell work, protein production, crystallisation and the structural determination and analysis of proteins.

Rachel is supported by an Australian Government RTP stipend. Looking ahead, Rachel is keen to expand her skills base further and over time develop her own independent research career in academia.

[email protected]

Master of Science | Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours)

Research Theme:
Imaging Lipid-Mediated Immunity