Driving online engagement with cutting-edge research

The Imaging CoE has revitalised the layout, design and content of its website. With a focus on keeping it simple and intuitive, the Centre’s new site (currently in Beta launch) will be pivotal in driving ongoing engagement with key stakeholder groups.

The updated website clearly conveys the Imaging CoE mission, focusing on its research themes and providing regular updates about groundbreaking achievements its researchers make. It also zeroes in on the cutting-edge work of its partners and collaborators, as well as posting information about the Centre’s latest publications and outreach activities.

Through clear menu structure and a branded appearance, the site helps strengthen the Imaging CoE reputation and ensures a consistent user experience across different media. Improved search functionality and SEO enablement, as well as a clearer focus on stakeholder engagement, will mean the site acts as a dynamic hub for making contacts and forging collaborations.

The new website is a key vehicle for outreach, complementing the individual efforts of the Centre’s Chief Investigators and wider team. Presenting information in a clear, accessible and visually pleasing way, the website is a valuable source of information for its target audience – which is comprised of Centre staff and students, the Australian Research Council, global academic and industry partners, both existing and future, and the wider public.

“The site looks great and is a big step forward for the CoE – Research Media has done a great job and we are excited to go live and look forward to hearing what our stakeholders think,” said James Whisstock, Centre Director.