Parsing the IL-37-Mediated Suppression of Inflammasome Function
20200113January 13, 2020
Butyrophilin 2A1 is essential for phosphoantigen reactivity by γδ T cells
20200110January 10, 2020T cell receptor cross-reactivity between gliadin and bacterial peptides in celiac disease
20200108January 8, 2020
Human T cell response to CD1a and contact dermatitis allergens in botanical extracts and commercial skin care products
20200103January 3, 2020
A class of γδ T cell receptors recognize the underside of the antigen-presenting molecule MR1
20191220December 20, 2019
Cellular IP6 Levels Limit HIV Production while Viruses that Cannot Efficiently Package IP6 Are Attenuated for Infection and Replication
20191217December 17, 2019
Single-molecule detection on a portable 3D-printed microscope
20191211December 11, 2019
A divergent transcriptional landscape underpins the development and functional branching of MAIT cells
20191122November 22, 2019
Distinct CD1d docking strategies exhibited by diverse Type II NKT cell receptors
20191120November 20, 2019
IL-23 costimulates antigen-specific MAIT cell activation and enables vaccination against bacterial infection
20191118November 18, 2019
A TCR β-Chain Motif Biases toward Recognition of Human CD1 Proteins
20191112November 12, 2019
Computer Modelling and Synthesis of Deoxy and Monohydroxy Analogues of a Ribitylaminouracil Bacterial Metabolite that Potently Activates Human T Cells
20191108November 8, 2019
The cryo-EM structure of the acid activatable pore-forming immune effector Macrophage-expressed gene 1
20190919September 19, 2019
Fluorescence Microscopy Assay to Measure HIV-1 Capsid Uncoating Kinetics in vitro
20190713July 13, 2019
PIE-scope, integrated cryo-correlative light and FIB/SEM microscopy
20190711July 11, 2019
Ultimate limitations in the performance of kinoform lenses for hard x-ray focusing
20190619June 19, 2019
Diverse MR1-restricted T cells in mice and humans
20190522May 22, 2019
Fluorescence Biosensor for Real-Time Interaction Dynamics of Host Proteins with HIV-1 Capsid Tubes
20190501May 1, 2019
Ordered and Disordered Segments of Amyloid-β Drive Sequential Steps of the Toxic Pathway
20190304March 4, 2019
Product release is rate-limiting for catalytic processing by Dengue virus protease
20161129November 29, 2016
Disrupting the allosteric interaction between the Plasmodium falciparum cAMP-dependent kinase and its regulatory subunit
20161013October 13, 2016
Hotspot autoimmune T cell receptor binding underlies pathogen and insulin peptide cross-reactivity
20160516May 16, 2016
A stochastic hill climbing approach for simultaneous 2D alignment and clustering of cryo-EM images
20160513May 13, 2016
TRIF-dependent TLR signaling, its functions in host defense and inflammation, and its potential as a therapeutic target
20160509May 9, 2016
Mucosal-associated invariant T-cell activation and accumulation after in vivo infection depends on microbial riboflavin synthesis and co-stimulatory signals
20160504May 4, 2016
Public T cell receptors confer high-avidity CD4 responses to HIV controllers
20160425April 25, 2016
The intracellular pathway for the presentation of vitamin B-related antigens by the antigen-presenting molecule MR1
20160404April 4, 2016An iterative method for robust in-line phase contrast imaging
20160404April 4, 2016
Questions and controversies in innate immune research: what is the physiological role of NLRP3?
20160404April 4, 2016
Molecular basis for universal HLA-A*0201–restricted CD8+ T-cell immunity against influenza viruses
20160331March 31, 2016
Brinp1-/- mice exhibit autism-like behaviour, altered memory, hyperactivity, and increased Parvalbumin-positive cortical interneuron density
20160331March 31, 2016
Familial autoinflammation with neutrophilic dermatosis reveals a regulatory mechanism of pyrin activation.
20160330March 30, 2016
Structural basis for therapeutic inhibition of complement C5
20160329March 29, 2016
Measuring membrane association and protein diffusion within membranes with supercritical angle fluorescence microscopy
20160329March 29, 2016
Quantifying the dynamics of the oligomeric transcription factor STAT3 by pair correlation of molecular brightness
20160324March 24, 2016
A biased view toward celiac disease
20160323March 23, 2016Sterile signals generate weaker and delayed macrophage NLRP3 inflammasome responses relative to microbial signals
20160321March 21, 2016Capturing the Structure of the Substrate Bound Condensation Domain.
20160317March 17, 2016
Three dimensional reconstruction of the size and shape of protein microcrystals using Bragg coherent diffractive imaging
20160316March 16, 2016
HIV-1–Specific CD8 T Cells Exhibit Limited Cross-Reactivity during Acute Infection
20160316March 16, 2016
Activation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide (eNOS) Occurs through Different Membrane Domains in Endothelial Cells
20160315March 15, 2016
Partially coherent contrast-transfer-function approximation
20160309March 9, 2016
Distinct Mechanisms Regulate Lck Spatial Organization in Activated T Cells
20160308March 8, 2016Protease activated receptor 2 (PAR2) modulators: a patent review (2010-2015)
20160303March 3, 2016
N-terminal domain of Bothrops asper Myotoxin II Enhances the Activity of Endothelin Converting Enzyme-1 and Neprilysin
20160302March 2, 2016
MAIT cells are systemically depleted in SIV-infected rhesus macaques
20160224February 24, 2016Online Pyrophosphate Assay for Analyzing Adenylation Domains of Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetases
20160223February 23, 2016
Deciphering the clinical relevance of allo-human leukocyte antigen cross-reactivity in mediating alloimmunity following transplantation
20160221February 21, 2016
Structure of OxyAtei : completing our picture of the glycopeptide antibiotic producing Cytochrome P450 cascade
20160215February 15, 2016
Atypical Natural Killer T-cell receptor recognition of CD1d-lipid antigens
20160215February 15, 2016Whole-pattern fitting technique in serial femtosecond nanocrystallography
20160212February 12, 2016
Broadband x-ray ptychography
20160209February 9, 2016
Annexin A6 regulates interleukin-2-mediated T-cell proliferation
20160208February 8, 2016
Structure of the poly-C9 component of the Complement Membrane Attack complex
20160205February 5, 2016
Salmonella employs multiple mechanisms to subvert the TLR-inducible zinc-mediated antimicrobial response of human macrophages
20160202February 2, 2016
Soluble LILRA3 promotes neurite outgrowth and synapses formation through high affinity interaction with Nogo 66
20160129January 29, 2016
Histone deacetylases in monocyte/macrophage development, activation and metabolism: refining HDAC targets for inflammatory and infectious diseases
20160129January 29, 2016
The E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF144B is LPS-inducible in human, but not mouse, macrophages and promotes inducible IL-1β expression.
20160127January 27, 2016
A small molecule inhibitor of tropomyosin dissociates actin binding from tropomyosin-directed regulation of actin dynamics
20160125January 25, 2016
Co-transcriptomic Analysis by RNA Sequencing to Simultaneously Measure Regulated Gene Expression in Host and Bacterial Pathogen
20160124January 24, 2016Diversity of T Cells Restricted by the MHC Class IRelated Molecule MR1 Facilitates Differential Antigen Recognition
20160112January 12, 2016
Using the MCoTI-II Cyclotide Scaffold To Design a Stable Cyclic Peptide Antagonist of SET, a Protein Overexpressed in Human Cancer
20160106January 6, 2016
High-density grids for efficient data collection from multiple crystals
20160101January 1, 2016
Tissue-resident memory T cells: local specialists in immune defence
20151221December 21, 2015
T-box Transcription Factors Combine with the Cytokines TGF-β and IL-15 to Control Tissue-Resident Memory T Cell Fate
20151217December 17, 2015
Broadband chirality-coded meta-aperture for photon-spin resolving
20151202December 2, 2015
Stonefish toxin defines an ancient branch of the perforin-like superfamily
20151202December 2, 2015
Human autoreactive T cells recognize CD1b and phospholipids
20151130November 30, 2015
Giant MACPF/CDC pore forming toxins: A class of their own
20151126November 26, 2015
Membrane-anchored Serine Protease Matriptase is a Trigger of Pulmonary Fibrogenesis
20151124November 24, 2015
Towards identification of immune and genetic correlates of severe influenza disease in Indigenous Australians
20151123November 23, 2015
Polyalanine expansions drive a shift into α-helical clusters without amyloid-fibril formation
20151116November 16, 2015
High-resolution complementary chemical imaging of bio-elements in Caenorhabditis elegans
20151109November 9, 2015
Plasmon-Enhanced Sensing: Current Status and Prospects
20151105November 5, 2015
Torso-like mediates extracellular accumulation of Furin-cleaved Trunk to pattern the Drosophila embryo termini
20151029October 29, 2015
Toward peptide-based inhibitors as therapies for Parkinson’s disease
20151029October 29, 2015On-chip photonic Fourier transform with surface plasmon polaritons
20151023October 23, 2015
Potent complement C3a receptor agonists derived from oxazole amino acids: Structure-activity relationships
20151023October 23, 2015
Single-molecule imaging with longer X-ray laser pulses
20151021October 21, 2015
The burgeoning family of unconventional T cells
20151020October 20, 2015
Recognition of Vitamin B precursors and byproducts by Mucosal Associated Invariant T cells.
20151014October 14, 2015
The aPKC/Par3/Par6 polarity complex and membrane order are functionally inter-dependent in epithelia during vertebrate organogenesis
20151012October 12, 2015
Flexibility versus Rigidity for Orally Bioavailable Cyclic Hexapeptides
20151007October 7, 2015
Repurposing Registered Drugs as Antagonists for Protease-Activated Receptor 2
20151007October 7, 2015
T cell receptor reversed polarity recognition of a self-antigen major histocompatibility complex
20151005October 5, 2015
Antigen Specificity of Type I NKT Cells Is Governed by TCR β-Chain Diversity.
20150930September 30, 2015
Cryo-electron microscopy and single molecule fluorescent microscopy detect CD4 receptor induced HIV size expansion prior to cell entry
20150929September 29, 2015
Lipid and small-molecule display by CD1 and MR1
20150921September 21, 2015
Enhancing quantum dots for bioimaging using advanced surface chemistry and advanced optical microscopy: application to silicon quantum dots (SiQDs)
20150831August 31, 2015Cyclic alpha-conotoxin peptidomimetic chimeras as potent GLP-1R agonists
20150829August 29, 2015
Ultrasensitive and Specific Measurement of Protease Activity Using Functionalized Photonic Crystals
20150827August 27, 2015
Structural basis for Ca2+-mediated interaction of the perforin C2 domain with lipid membranes
20150825August 25, 2015
Spatiotemporally distinct interactions with DC subsets facilitates CD4 and CD8 T cell activation to localized viral infection
20150818August 18, 2015
A bird’s eye view of NK cell receptor interactions with their MHC class I ligands.
20150818August 18, 2015
Mechanical forces regulate the interactions of fibronectin and collagen I in extracellular matrix
20150814August 14, 2015Identification of a Potent Microbial Lipid Antigen for Diverse NKT Cells
20150807August 7, 2015
Ubiquitous Structural Signaling in Bacterial Phytochromes
20150805August 5, 2015
Clinical application of low-dose phase contrast breast CT: methods for the optimization of the reconstruction workflow
20150801August 1, 2015
Virtual Screening of Peptide and Peptidomimetic Fragments Targeted to Inhibit Bacterial Dithiol Oxidase DsbA
20150730July 30, 2015
Tc17 cells are a pro-inflammatory, plastic lineage of pathogenic CD8+ T-cells that induce GVHD without anti-leukemic effects.
20150723July 23, 2015Spontaneous retrotransposon insertion into TNF 3’UTR causes heart valve disease and chronic polyarthritis.
20150720July 20, 2015
3D structure of individual nanocrystals in solution by electron microscopy
20150717July 17, 2015
Impairment of immunity to Candida and Mycobacterium in humans with bi-allelic RORC mutations
20150709July 9, 2015Elemental mapping of the entire intact Drosophila gastrointestinal tract.
20150708July 8, 2015
Neutron Strain Tomography using the Radon Transform
20150625June 25, 2015
The Phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-Trisphosphate-dependent Rac Exchanger 1·Ras-related C3 Botulinum Toxin Substrate 1 (P-Rex1·Rac1) Complex Reveals the Basis of Rac1 Activation in Breast Cancer Cells
20150624June 24, 2015
Identification of phenotypically and functionally heterogeneous mouse Mucosal Associated Invariant T cells using MR1-antigen tetramers
20150622June 22, 2015
Profiling the anti-protozoal activity of anti-cancer HDAC inhibitors against Plasmodium and Trypanosoma parasites
20150620June 20, 2015
Downsizing Proteins Without Losing Potency or Function
20150620June 20, 2015
Nutrient and immune sensing are obligate pathways in metabolism, immunity, and disease
20150611June 11, 2015
Functional Heterogeneity and Antimycobacterial Effects of Mouse Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cells Specific for Riboflavin Metabolites
20150610June 10, 2015
Imaging transient melting of a nanocrystal using an x-ray laser
20150602June 2, 2015The myelin proteolipid plasmolipin forms oligomers and induces liquid-ordered membranes in the Golgi complex
20150522May 22, 2015
Three Homology Models of PAR2 Derived from Different Templates: Application to Antagonist Discovery
20150522May 22, 2015
Perforin and granzymes: function, dysfunction and human pathology
20150522May 22, 2015
Coeliac disease and rheumatoid arthritis: similar mechanisms, different antigens
20150519May 19, 2015
Krüppel-ling of IRF4-Dependent DCs into Two Functionally Distinct DC Subsets.
20150519May 19, 2015Endolymphatic hydrops is prevalent in the first weeks following cochlear implantation
20150516May 16, 2015
Short Hydrophobic Peptides with Cyclic Constraints Are Potent Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor (GLP-1R) Agonists
20150514May 14, 2015
Determinants of Gliadin-Specific T Cell Selection in Celiac Disease
20150506May 6, 2015
STAT3 is a critical cell-intrinsic regulator of human unconventionalT cell numbers and function
20150504May 4, 2015
Paired TCRαβ analysis of virus-specific CD8+ T cells exposes diversity in a previously defined ‘narrow’ repertoire
20150429April 29, 2015
Radiation damage in a micron-sized protein crystal studied via reciprocal space mapping and Bragg coherent diffractive imaging
20150429April 29, 2015
The linac coherent light source single particle imaging road map
20150421April 21, 2015
T Cell Cross-Reactivity between a Highly Immunogenic EBV Epitope and a Self-Peptide Naturally Presented by HLA-B*18:01+ Cells
20150408April 8, 2015
Inhibiting histone deacetylase 1 suppresses both inflammation and bone loss in arthritis
20150331March 31, 2015
Stability of the octameric structure affects plasminogen-binding capacity of streptococcal enolase
20150325March 25, 2015
The structure of the atypical Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor, KIR2DL4.
20150310March 10, 2015
Mucosal-associated invariant T cell alterations in obese and type 2 diabetic patients
20150309March 9, 2015
Tracking molecular dynamics without tracking: image correlation of photo-activation microscopy
20150309March 9, 2015
Peptide-dependent recognition of HLA-B*57:01 by KIR3DS1
20150308March 8, 2015
X-Ray Imaging of a Single Virus in 3D
20150302March 2, 2015IL-37 requires the receptors IL-18Rα and IL-1R8 (SIGIRR) to carry out its multifaceted anti-inflammatory program upon innate signal transduction
20150302March 2, 2015
Facile synthesis of mono- and bis-methylated Fmoc-Dap, -Dab and -Orn amino acids.
20150225February 25, 2015Continuous motion scan ptychography : characterization for increased speed in coherent x-ray imaging
20150224February 24, 2015Simultaneous cryo X-ray ptychographic and fluorescence microscopy of a marine algae
20150210February 10, 2015
CD3(bright) signals on γδ T cells identify IL-17A-producing Vγ6Vδ1(+) T cells.
20150209February 9, 2015
MAIT cells are depleted early but retain functional cytokine expression in HIV infection.
20150209February 9, 2015
Conformational Changes during Pore Formation by the Perforin-Related Protein Pleurotolysin
20150206February 6, 2015
αβ T cell antigen receptor recognition of CD1a presenting self lipid ligands
20150203February 3, 2015
Self-Calibrated Line-Scan STED-FCS to Quantify Lipid Dynamics in Model and Cell Membranes
20150203February 3, 2015
Comparing sixteen scoring functions for predicting biological activities of ligands for protein targets
20150201February 1, 2015
An RPTPα/Src Family Kinase /Rap1 signaling module recruits Myosin IIB to support contractile tension at apical E-cadherin junctions.
20150128January 28, 2015
Ultrafast self-gating Bragg diffraction of exploding nanocrystals in an X-ray laser
20150120January 20, 2015MR1 presentation of vitamin B-based metabolite ligands
20150119January 19, 2015
Regulatory iNKT cells lack expression of the transcription factor PLZF and control the homeostasis of T(reg) cells and macrophages in adipose tissue
20150116January 16, 2015
Helix-Constrained Nociceptin Peptides Are Potent Agonists and Antagonists of ORL-1 and Nociception.
20150114January 14, 2015
Understanding the complexity and malleability of T-cell recognition.
20150113January 13, 2015Diversity of T Cells Restricted by the MHC Class IRelated Molecule MR1 Facilitates Differential Antigen Recognition
20150110January 10, 2015
GlycoMine: a machine learning-based approach for predicting N-, C- and O-linked glycosylation in the human proteome.
20150106January 6, 2015
Reconstitution of GPCRs in Lipidic Cubic Phase (LCP):Comparison between human Histamine 1 and Dopamine 2Long receptor reconstitution into five different self-assembly lipids
20141215December 15, 2014
Regulatory iNKT cells lack expression of the transcription factor PLZF and control the homeostasis of Treg cells and macrophages in adipose tissue
20141201December 1, 2014The molecular bases of δ/αβ T cell–mediated antigen recognition
20141201December 1, 2014
Molecular architecture of the αβT cell receptor-CD3 complex
20141125November 25, 2014
Uptake of the butyrate receptors, GPR41 and GPR43, in lipidic bicontinuous cubic phases suitable for in meso crystallization
20141124November 24, 2014
Constraining cyclic peptides to mimic protein structure motifs
20141124November 24, 2014
Improving on Nature: Making a Cyclic Heptapeptide Orally Bioavailable
20141103November 3, 2014
MAIT cells are depleted early but retain functional cytokine expression in HIV infection.
20141028October 28, 2014
Mapping biological composition through quantitative phase and absorption X-ray ptychography
20141028October 28, 2014
An Extensive Antigenic Footprint Underpins Immunodominant TCR Adaptability against a Hypervariable Viral Determinant.
20141028October 28, 2014
Potent Heterocyclic Ligands for Human Complement C3a Receptor
20141023October 23, 2014
Skin DCs cluster for efficient T cell activation.
20141020October 20, 2014
HLA-DQA1-HLA-DRB1 variants confer susceptibility to pancreatitis induced by thiopurine immunosuppressants.
20140914September 14, 2014
Fresnel coherent diffractive imaging tomography of whole cells in capillaries
20140905September 5, 2014
Stereoelectronic Effects Dictate Molecular Conformation and Biological Function of Heterocyclic Amides.
20140827August 27, 2014
The Cellular Redox Environment Alters Antigen Presentation
20140822August 22, 2014
A New Model for Pore Formation by Cholesterol-Dependent Cytolysins
20140821August 21, 2014
Distinct APC subtypes drive spatially segregated helper versus killer T-cell effector activity during skin infection with HSV-1
20140814August 14, 2014
Rapid, low dose X-ray diffractive imaging of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, Ultramicroscopy
20140808August 8, 2014
Cyclic Penta- and Hexa- Leucine Peptides Without N-Methylation Are Orally Absorbed
20140804August 4, 2014
Characterisation of Residual Stress due to Fillet Rolling on Bolts Made of a Nickel Base Superalloy
20140801August 1, 2014
A molecular basis underpinning the T cell receptor heterogeneity of mucosal-associated invariant T cells
20140728July 28, 2014
The Glucocorticoid Receptor 1A3 Promotor correlates with high sensitivity to glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis in human lymphocytes
20140722July 22, 2014
Tissue-resident T cells: dynamic players in skin immunity
20140716July 16, 2014Imaging Lattice Dynamics in Individual Nanocrystals
20140711July 11, 2014
Pathway-selective antagonism of proteinase activated receptor 2
20140702July 2, 2014
Missense single nucleotide polymorphisms in the human T cell receptor loci control variable gene usage in the T cell repertoire.
20140701July 1, 2014
Ptychographic Fresnel coherent diffraction tomography at the nanoscale
20140701July 1, 2014
Comparative α-Helicity of Cyclic Pentapeptides in Water
20140701July 1, 2014
The structure of the cytomegalovirus-encoded m04 glycoprotein, a prototypical member of the m02 family of immunoevasins
20140630June 30, 2014
Biointerfaces on Indium–Tin Oxide Prepared from Organophosphonic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayers
20140624June 24, 2014
A Molecular Basis for the Interplay between T Cells, Viral Mutants, and Human Leukocyte Antigen Micropolymorphism.
20140613June 13, 2014Ultrafast Imaging of Shocked Material Dynamics with X-ray Fee Electron Laser Pulses
20140613June 13, 2014
Key interactions for clathrin coat stability
20140610June 10, 2014
Antibody Modified Porous Silicon Microparticles for the Selective Capture of Cells
20140603June 3, 2014
Rich tomography techniques for the analysis of microstructure and deformation
20140603June 3, 2014
Structural and functional correlates of enhanced antiviral immunity generated by heteroclitic CD8 T cell epitopes
20140601June 1, 2014
Reconciling the structural attributes of avian antibodies
20140530May 30, 2014
CD8+ T cells from a novel T cell receptor transgenic mouse induce liver-stage immunity that can be boosted by blood-stage infection in rodent malaria
20140522May 22, 2014
Galectin-3 drives glycosphingolipid-dependent biogenensis of clathrin-independent carriers.
20140518May 18, 2014
The organisation of the cell membrane: do proteins rule lipids?
20140513May 13, 2014
Complement C5a Receptor Facilitates Cancer Metastasis by Altering T-Cell Responses in the Metastatic Niche
20140501May 1, 2014
T-cell receptor recognition of HLA-DQ2–gliadin complexes associated with celiac disease
20140429April 29, 2014
High resolution structure of cleaved Serpin 42Da from Drosophila melanogaster
20140424April 24, 2014
Versatile “Click Chemistry” Approach to Functionalizing Silicon Quantum Dots: Applications toward Fluorescent Cellular Imaging
20140409April 9, 2014
Persistence of skin-resident memory T cells within an epidermal niche
20140408April 8, 2014
Endocytic Crosstalk: Cavins, Caveolins, and Caveolae Regulate Clathrin-Independent Endocytosis
20140408April 8, 2014T-cell activation by transitory neo-antigens derived from distinct microbial pathways
20140403April 3, 2014
Molecularly Engineered Surfaces for Cell Biology: From Static to Dynamic Surfaces
20140401April 1, 2014
The Perforin Pore Facilitates the Delivery of Cationic Cargos
20140328March 28, 2014
Method for co-cluster analysis in multichannel single-molecule localisation data
20140319March 19, 2014
Insights into adhesion biology using single-molecule localization microscopy
20140317March 17, 2014Local regularization of tilt projections reduces artifacts in electron tomography, Journal of Structural Biology
20140310March 10, 2014
TCR bias and affinity define two compartments of the CD1b-glycolipid-specific T Cell repertoire
20140304March 4, 2014
Trunk cleavage is essential for Drosophila terminal patterning and can occur independently of Torso-like
20140303March 3, 2014
Fluctuation-based imaging of nuclear Rac1 activation by protein oligomerisation
20140227February 27, 2014
Molecular imprint of exposure to naturally occurring genetic variants of human cytomegalovirus on the T cell repertoire
20140201February 1, 2014
CD1a-autoreactive T cells recognize natural skin oils that function as headless antigens
20140201February 1, 2014
Fluorescence spectral correlation spectroscopy (FSCS) for probes with highly overlapping emission spectra
20140131January 31, 2014
Single-molecule analysis reveals self assembly and nanoscale segregation of two distinct cavin subcomplexes on caveolae
20140128January 28, 2014
Preexisting CD8+ T-cell immunity to the H7N9 influenza A virus varies across ethnicities
20140121January 21, 2014
Maspin is not required for embryonic development or tumour suppression
20140120January 20, 2014
Dynamic control of beta 1 integrin adhesion by the plexinD1-sema3E axis
20140107January 7, 2014