Mentoring takes two
Do you see yourself being a mentor or mentee this year?
The Imaging CoE Mentoring and Development Program is up and running for 2018, taking a year round opt-in approach to encourage a personalised experience for each and every mentor and mentee.
The program
The program facilitates mentoring partnerships which provide any one of our Centre Members with opportunities to reflect on their career developmental goals, enhance their leadership capabilities, build professional skills and more effectively navigate different stages of their careers and personal lives.
The program is also designed to assist students and young scientists seeking independent advice and guidance on career-related issues. A mentor list will also be developed comprising of senior scientists from our cohort of CIs, PIs AI’s, partner organisations and industry colleagues.
The matching of mentors and mentees will be done by the Imaging CoE mentorship team and regular feedback from both mentors and mentees will be sought to guide the structure and effectiveness of the program.
To participate
To participate in the program, we would like to know more about what type of experience you are looking for, so that we can source the ideal matching for you.
Please visit surveymonkey.com/r/imagingcoe to register, or email our Chief Operating Officer Annette Wittmann