PhD Student

Characterisation of CD1a-restricted T cells (PhD)

Supervisor’s name:

Prof. Dale Godfrey
Dr Daniel Pellicci

Catriona Nguyen-Robertson is a PhD candidate at Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, studying “unconventional” T cells. She is also a lecturer in science communication within The University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Science. She is the Science Communications Officer for the Royal Society of Victoria and Convergence Science Network, and Associate Editor of the scientific journal, Immunology & Cell Biology.

Catriona is passionate about encouraging diversity in STEM fields and engaging students in science. She regularly engages with science mentoring and outreach programs, such as Skype a Scientist, Pint of Science, BrainSTEM, and the Gene Technology Access Centre.

[email protected]
STEM Women

Bachelor of Science (Hons) | Diploma in Languages

Research Theme:
Imaging Lipid - Mediated Immunity