Branch Moody visit
Branch Moody, a Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Physician, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, is visiting Monash for approximately three weeks (27 July – 11 August) under the umbrella of a Harvard-Australia Fellowship.
Branch has pioneered the field of lipid-mediated immunity in humans, particularly in the context of the protective immune response to TB, and has recently explored lipid-immunity in the context of allergies and autoimmunity.
Branch will be giving a BDI seminar on Friday 5 August, as well as two workshops on paper writing/data review for ECRs. Please note that all workshops are at capacity, email for a place on the wait list.
Monash University, Clayton Campus
1) Two ECRs workshops on “An Approach to Rigorous Data Review that Moves Science Forward” (Aug 1st) and “Writing Scientific Papers that Others Want to Read” (Aug 2nd). Both held at 3pm in G35, 23 Innovation Walk, following by light drinks/snacks.
Please note this is a RVSP event only as there are a limited number of places for the opportunity to interact with Branch.
Please sign up with Jennifer Huynh ([email protected]) by July 29th.
2) BDI Distinguished Lecture: “The Surprising Nature of Lipid Antigen Recognition by Human T cells”
Date: Friday 5 August
Time: 2pm
H2, 20 Chancellors Walk
Contact Jennifer Huynh if you would like to meet him.
Monash University, Department of Immunology & Pathology, Prahran
3) Seminar: “The Surprising Nature of Human T cell Response to CD1 and Lipid”
Date: Monday 8 August
Time: 4pm-5pm
AMREP Lecture Theatre
Contact Kate York if you would like to meet him on the day.
Monash Health Translation Precinct, Clayton
4) Seminar: “CD1-Reactive T cells Mediate Human Response to Tuberculosis Infection”
Date: Tuesday 9 August
Time: 12pm
Monash Health Translation Precinct Translational Research Facility, Seminar Room 1
Contact: Rebecca Smith if you would like to meet him on the day.
Doherty Institute, University of Melbourne, Parkville
Date: Friday 19 August
Time: 12pm
Doherty Institute Auditorium — ground floor
Small break followed by “Writing Scientific Papers that Others Want to Read”
Date: Friday 19 August
Time: 1:45-5pm
Please join us from 5pm for drinks and pizza on the ground floor mezzanine.