La Trobe University, Node of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Advanced Molecular Imaging is currently searching for skilled undergraduate students to undertake a 6 week paid research project over the 2019/2020 summer vacation.

The available projects are suitable for physical science students interested in expanding their knowledge and skills in the fields of biophysics and molecular imaging. Projects on offer are:

Using acoustic waves to generate small droplets

Working with Dr Connie Darmanin

Development and applications in optical polarisation ptychography

Working with Dr Guido Cadenazzi

Compact XFEL imaging and crystallography

Working with Dr Nadia Zatsepin

Multiphysics simulation of microfluidic sample delivery devices

Working with Dr Eugeniu Balaur and Dr Majid Hejazian

Each scholarship is for $3,000 to be paid over 6 weeks in the summer period.

Interested students are invited to submit a 1/2 page cover letter and academic transcript to Ms Fabienne Perani via email: [email protected]

Application deadline is Monday, December 2 2019

Interviews will be conducted between December 3 – 6 and candidates will be notified the following week.