
The Imaging CoE is passionate about maximising the impact of the cutting edge research conducted within the Centre. Therefore, in addition to making scientific discoveries that impact on our knowledge and understanding, we also aim to translate our discoveries into tangible outcomes for society at large, either through commercialising our discoveries into products and services or through inspiring and educating the next generation of scientists to drive innovation.

Partnering for Research & Development

The Imaging CoE’s goal is to develop and use novel imaging technologies to visualise the molecular interactions that underpin immunity. Our two key R&D outcomes are development of novel imaging technology and identification of novel drugs and/or drug targets for immune disease. Sample preparation and data analysis & visualisation are key enabling steps that drive our outcomes, as shown in the figure below, and so we develop collaborations and strategic partnerships that assist us in addressing the challenges faced in these areas as well.

The Imaging CoE has existing formal partnerships with several international research and commercial organisations. These are summarised in the figure below;

Imaging Data Acquisition
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Imaging Data Acquisition
Interpretation & Application
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Imaging Data Acquisition
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Imaging Data Acquisition
Partner Investigator
Sample Preparation
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Data Analysis & Visualization
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SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source
Imaging Data Acquisition
Sample Preparation
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Warwick University
Imaging Data Acquisition
Partner Investigator
Visit Website
Monash University
Center Node
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Current Assets/Projects

Below is a list of current assets and projects that we have available for partnering.

XFEL – European XFEL (DESY) & LCLS (Stanford)

The Centre’s researchers have access to X-ray Free Electron Laser beamlines at the European XFEL through our Centre partners, the Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), and the Linac Coherent Light Source facility at Stanford University. The ultrahigh energy, femtosecond pulses of X-rays generated at these facilities could potentially be a revolutionary technique for protein crystallography by enabling structure determination of very small crystals.

European XFEL:


Australian Synchrotron

The Centre’s researchers are heavy users of the Australian Synchrotron, particularly the Macromolecular Crystallography (MX) beamlines, which are a crucial and routine instrument used to determine structures of microcrystals. The Centre’s formal partnership with the Australian Synchrotron allows us to embed researchers at the Synchrotron itself. This enables us deeper insight into the design and operations of these instruments as well as provide the Synchrotron with closer access to key users and their research outputs and needs.

Australian Synchrotron:

Partnering for Education

Growing Tall Poppies Program

The Imaging CoE is passionate about inspiring the next generation of scientists who will drive the next wave of innovation for our society. The Centre is a key partner in the Growing Tall Poppies (GTP) Science Partnership Program that aims to increase the number of secondary students who study science in Years 11 and 12.

Our scientists host groups of secondary students, typically in Year 10, in their laboratories for a period of one to two weeks to provide an immersive, hands-on experience of scientific research for these students.

More information re: GTP can be found at

International Student Science Fair 2015

Bringing together students, teachers and school leaders from all over the world, the International Students Science Fair (ISSF) promotes excellence in science education. Hosted by John Monash Science School at Monash University’s Clayton campus, the five-day event is poised to attract over 200 talented high school science students from a wide range of countries. Taking place on 7-11 December, the event will also welcome 50 inspiring science teachers and 50 eminent school leaders. Click here to find out more.